quarta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2008

Heir to Sevenwaters - Reviews/Criticas

"Heir to Sevenwaters"saiu há pouco tempo mas as criticas na net já são muitas e todas boas!

Juliet Marillier não desaponta e os fãs pedem mais Sevenwaters books!

Algumas das criticas:

“There aren't enough good things I can say for this book. I loved it. LOVED it. In a sea of ho-hum books that are entertaining and yet tend to all sound very much the same, Heir to Sevenwaters reminded me what it feels like to be truly moved by a story, and why I fell in love with reading in the first place.”

“There are very few books that I have read this year that have left me dreading each turn of the page--not out of fear or distaste with the writing, but out of a passion to keep reading the book. Out of the knowledge that once the last page turns, that inevitable ache of loneliness will settle in--because the book is just that damn good.”

"And though Heir To Sevenwaters isn't quite as good as the original trilogy, it is still fantastic. Juliet Marillier has such a beautiful writing style, and clearly knows her stuff. This is probably one of my favorite books for the year! If only she would write more Sevenwaters books...”

“Loved this story. I loved its glimpses of old friends and its hints of future possibilities. As only the best ones do, it surprised and delighted me and made me long for more.”

“If you enjoyed the first three Sevenwaters books, this one will be no exception. If you haven't read them before, Heir to Sevenwaters works as a standalone, although you may not catch all of the references to previous books. Either way, I would say this book is more than worth the money you'll spend on it.”

“A beautiful novel that I will definitely read and re -read again. Highly recommended to anyone who enjoys solidly plotted, character driven books with a touch of romance. Perfect. Her books always leave me dizzy wanting more and wishing that I had selective amnesia so that I could always be reading her books for the first time.”

“Like the others in the series, this was a beautiful story. Far too short. I feel sad that it's over already, as I blew through the book in just three days. With certain conflicts left unresolved, I hope this means there will be more Sevenwaters books to come.”

“Congratulations are due to the editor at Roc, Marillier's American publisher, who persuaded her to return to the world of Sevenwaters. It would not surprise me if she is already receiving mail asking if this is to be the first of a new Sevenwaters trilogy!”

“All of Juliet Marilliers books are beautiful, and this was one of my favourites i have to say. Love, fairies, adventure, history, family, storytelling....what more could you want in a book? As the other review states, i do agree that the book seems unfinished, in which case i hope to god that J.Marillier writes another book in the sevenwaters series because i cant get enough!”

“A book to devote a whole afternoon and evening to if you have the time, when you get into the story it is difficult to put down.”

3 comentários:

Diana Marques disse...

começo realmente a interessar-me por alguns autores que aqui mencionas, nomeadamente anne bishop. acho que vou pedir emprestado a trilogia das jóias negras :P

p.s - vou enviar-te um mail pelo mail que indicas aqui no blog,ok? e estás à vontade para espreitares o meu blog :)

ClaudiaV disse...

O primeiro livro da triologia das Jóias Negras “A filha do Sangue” custa a engolir. Tens de ser persistente porque é um mundo tão diferente do que já possas ter lido que te custa a entrar na mente. Um mundo em que as mulheres governam e os homens são escravos, onde as deslocações se fazem pelos “ventos” em portais específicos, onde a hierarquia das pessoas na sociedade se mede pela cor da jóia, onde os demónios não são necessariamente personagens más, imaginação não falta!. Os próprios nomes das personagens, ao início, eram-me difíceis de assimilar: Deamon, Lucivar, SanDiablo, Surreal., confudia os territórios… enfim, mas depois…depois de entrares na história queres mais. Talvez tenha sido por isso que gostei mais seguintes do que do primeiro.
Ah e claro! Sangue, mto sangue! :) Especialmente no primeiro.

Já te juntei à lista de mail :)

Patrick D. disse...

Mmmm... Claudinha...
Acho que acabáste de me 'vender' esse livro.
Um mundo completamente em fantasia, hein? Já nem me lembro da última vez que li um livro assim, mas creio que tinha uns 14 anos, e o livro descrevia fantasia 'típica', isto é: Dragões, feiticeiros, etc.

Este parece-me bem melhor. :D
Máximo. Talvez os peça à minha Avó, quando ela regressar pró ano.